Monday, November 5, 2012

Governor Cuomo Announces Affidavit Ballot Voting

    During an update of the Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy Governor Coumo announced that people displaced by the hurricane will be able to go to any poll site where they may be and vote by affidavit ballot. An affidavit ballot is used when there is a question of a voters registration or no name appears in the voting book. Coumo when questioned said that this way anyone displaced will be able to vote for president and U.S.Senator. When it comes to a local election if the poll site is not in the voters district that vote for the local elected official will not be able to be counted. 
     Also during the update Governor Cuomo became heated when answering a question about notification and restoration of power and other services. He said that power companies have franchises that are reviewed by the state. He added that he was unhappy with the response by most power companies naming Con Edison. Cuomo stressed that there was no plan to deal with what happened, and that must change or the power companies will change.

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